I finally did it! I chopped my hair a few weeks ago when I was in New York at the John Barrett Salon. Some of you might have already seen my new 'do on Instagram (my handle is marlienrentmeester), but if you haven't, here it is! In its last-Sunday-afternoon, no-blow-dry, no-product glory. Yes, I love it, and it's exactly what I asked for. Which was, to be specific, a haircut like Beyonce, but more real-girl-on-the-go than major-pop-star. Since John Barrett actually cuts Beyonce's hair, I was in the right hands, and he gave me a cut that I've always wanted but have never had: one that goes out of the shower straight to wherever I'm going without much, if any, primping (yes, my minimalist ways rearing its ugly head again!). In other words, the miracle cut! While I love the length, it's taken a bit of getting used to. For example, it feels weird to have the back of my neck not covered by hair. Even my children have had to adapt. When I first came home, my five-year-old son told me I looked funny and that I needed to get my old hair back immediately. My oldest childhood friend said I looked like Lady Edith from Downton Abbey... "but in a good way." (Is there a good way??) My husband grew a kooky mustache in retaliation. Nonetheless, I adore it. With less hair, showers seem to be shorter and drying takes so much less time. I also look different, which is kind of fun. And I am enjoying how I can choose between wearing my hair up or down with various outfits (you know how much I appreciate options!). Let's just see how long I will go without reverting back to always pulling my hair up and back!
Photo: Coliena Rentmeester
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