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Color Club Gossip Column and Charity Ball


Color Club Gossip Column (2 coats)

Color Club Charity Ball (2 coats)

Happy Thursday everyone! On we go with the Rebel Debutante collection. Up first is Gossip Column. Again, like Rebel Debutante, it does not come with the pre-packaged set collection so you must buy this separately. Gossip Column is an awesome bright blue creme. This one is definitely unique to my collection and looks great with my skintone (if I do say so myself). Flawless application with this polish and it only needed 2 coats.

Charity Ball is actually perfect right now since it really has a fall feeling to me. Of course, I'm always the person who says, "If you like it, wear it whenever you'd like." This one is a nice mix of brown and red, but the pictures really bring out the brown in it. Great polish with great application. How are you guys feeling about this collection so far?

*disclaimer: These products were provided by the company or PR representative. All reviews are based solely on my opinion.*

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